The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God

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Being in the World Not of it!

in the world not of it 

Jesus Is in the World Not of It

The first thing I prayed with this morning was Today’s Daily Meditation from the Henri Nouwen Society.  I was so moved by it that I have copied it for you below:

The Beatitudes offer us a self-portrait of Jesus.  At first it might seem to be a most unappealing portrait – who wants to be poor, mourning and persecuted?  Who can be truly gentle, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and always concerned about justice?  Where is the realism here?  Don’t we have to survive in this world and use the ways of the world to do so?

Jesus shows us the way to be in the world without being of it.  When we model our lives on his, a new world will open up for us.  The Kingdom of Heaven will be ours, and the earth will be our inheritance.  We will be comforted and have our fill; mercy will be shown to us.  Yes, we will be recognized as God’s children and truly see God, not just in an afterlife, but here and now  (see Matthew 5:3-10).   That is the reward of modeling our lives on the life of Jesus!

by: Henri Nouwen

For sometime now, I have turned to the Beatitudes when really begging for the grace to “know” Jesus because I have felt that the Beatitudes really represent Jesus’ value system.   However, at times, just as Fr. Nouwen states above, I have felt a bit overwhelmed with the task at hand.  Being my own worst critic, I often times beat myself up when I feel I am not living up to the model Jesus lays out for us of being truly gentle, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and concerned about justice.

Jesus Do you Know Him

What the Lord revealed to me in my prayer time is that when I move my focus from modeling Him and become self-absorbed with evaluating myself and worrying about what others will think or how others have treated me, I fall into the deadly trap of one of the seven deadly sins, namely, pride.  It is usually subtle and begins with self-pity and I usually find myself dwelling on a list of who has hurt me and who has not celebrated life with me and who is it that makes me feel like an outsider.  It is when my focus becomes about me and not about Jesus that I fall into my downward spiral.

On the other hand, when I am able to really spend time with Jesus and beg for the grace to “know” His heart and to teach me how to be in the world and not of it, He does show me how to find Him in all things in the here and now and not get caught up in what can be a world of self-absorption.   It is only then that I allow myself to be comforted and receive His love and mercy and find the strength, courage and wisdom to go forth and be Him to others.  At this point, even when I am feeling hurt or persecuted, I can find confidence in knowing I am doing what has been revealed to me by Jesus and trust that He will fill in whatever gaps I may have in my humanity.   As Fr. Nouwen claims, when I am able to model my life on the life of Jesus and really strive to live out the Beatitudes, a whole new world really does open up.  I am able to look past and forgive those who hurt me either intentionally or unintentionally and continue to see the face of God in them and others and bring His love to all.  It truly is amazing grace!

Read, Reflect and Pray with Scripture:

Matthew 5: 1-11         The Beatitudes

Helps:                           Imaginative Prayer Exercise                             

  • Imagine yourself on the Mount of the Beatitudes in the Holy Land and place yourself in the scripture passage.
  • Use what St. Ignatius of Loyola refers to as the application of senses and read the passage slowly a couple of times and then reflect on the passage asking yourself the following:
    1. What do I hear in the crowd….what do I hear in the depths of my soul?
    2. What do I see…..what really catches my attention?
    3. What do I smell…..what memories do the wonderful smells bring up for me?
    4. What do I taste……can I taste the salt in the air coming in off the Sea of Galilee…..can I taste the goodness of the Lord?
    5. What do I feel……….what emotions surface as I spend time with each of the Beatitudes… I have one underlying need that I really need to turn to Jesus with and ask for healing?

Thoughts to Ponder:

  • How might the Beatitudes help you in living counter-culturally in our world of self-absorption?
  • What are the areas in your own life where Jesus might be inviting you to model His life and allow a whole new world to open up?
  • Are you willing to put your total focus on Jesus and not succumb to the trap of our first world culture of self-absorption?  Why or why not?

Let me hear from you in the comments or click the “like” button if this post speaks to you……


Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”