The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God

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Taking Matters Into My Own Hands or Not? Part 2

Matthew 7

 Deeds Alone will not Save Us!

As I placed myself in the scene of the Gospel according to Matthew 7:21-29 , I imagined being on the Mount of the Beatitudes  as a disciple.  I was intrigued just like the early disciples with Jesus and I felt a deep desire to conform my heart to His.

Jesus preaching

I begged Him to give me a deep experience of what that meant and I had a conversation with Jesus about listening to His words in scripture and carrying them out in my life.  I came to a much deeper understanding of the essential qualities of true discipleship…which is all about truly knowing God and following His word… a true disciple is someone totally united to God in heart, soul and mind.  Deeds alone will not save us…..Certainly, it is not a bad thing to do good deeds, but our attitudes in performing such works, and our motives and goals for doing so are really the key.  I was reminded that it is through grace that we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven…that grace is freely given when we follow the Lord….we cannot buy grace with deeds or with what we do.  It is about paying attention to Jesus’ words, understanding them, accepting fully and enfleshing it into our lives.  When we have enfleshed scripture we will naturally act accordingly.  It is only then that we can be sure that we can say that we are true disciples of Jesus.  As he says in the story of the 2 houses, it is the only sure foundation which we can build our lives on.  Otherwise, the minute we come under attack, we will collapse with no foundation.

Matthew 7 24

One of the things that I really love about Fr. Mark Link’s approach to the Spiritual Exercises is that he always gives his readers the scripture text, a real life story that I can usually imagine, and thoughts for reflection.

Imaginative Prayer Experience

I would like to invite you to have an imaginative experience with me based on one of the Gospel verses… Jesus said, “ Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father wants them to do…..”

Imagine Opening a Magazine to a Cartoon

….it shows a man in his fifties dressed in a baseball uniform and hat.  He is seated in a big easy chair.  Resting against one side of the easy chair is a baseball bat and glove.  On the other side of the chair is a table with a telephone on it. Across from the man sits his wife. She wears a patient but frustrated look.  The caption reads: “I don’t want to step on your dream Walter, but if they haven’t called after thirty years, perhaps it’s time to go on to something else.”    Pay attention to what bubbles up in the depths of your heart about this cartoon.

Imagine Your Personal Conversation with Jesus

Shift gears with me and now imagine you are sitting in a big easy chair and Jesus is sitting across from you like the wife was sitting across from her husband in the cartoon.  You begin to have dialogue with Jesus:

  • about your life….
  • about facing up to reality….
  • about assuming responsibility for your life…..
  • about assuming your  responsibility for God’s Kingdom…….

Questions to Ponder

You begin to ask yourself what area in your life might you be failing to assume responsibility and do what God wants you to do?

Matthew 7 a

Abiding in the Word

You sit with Jesus and you have a heart to heart with Him…… now thank Him for spending this time with you and bid Him farewell until you meet him again…..

Closing Prayer

God Bless You and May we all have the courage to assume responsibility for our lives and do what God wants us to do…putting our full trust in Him, developing and nurturing an intimate relationship with Him so that we can hear his voice and not take matters into our own hands.  Amen!

Let’s help one another by sharing in the comments about anything the Holy Spirit leads you to share that has helped you nurture intimacy with Our Triune God  ……..

Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”

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Truth or Deception?

what is truth

As I prayed with today’s readings, the common thread that the Holy Spirit placed on my heart is the tension between Truth and Deception that is part of every human journey.  The first image I received was one of a Board Game.  Doesn’t the title “Truth or Deception” have a good ring to it for the name of a Board Game?    There is even a Board Game called “Life” so why not?

board games

Oh, how I have often wished Life was as easy as a Board Game that comes with a set of specific instructions!  I have always thought of Board Games as a means of fellowship, community and making good choices.  We all strive to make good choices in a Board Game because, of course, we want to win the game.  However, we all know that Life is not about winning or losing, but about making good moral choices and living in the Truth.

In the reading from Genesis 13, we hear of Abram and Lot’s separation because their herdsmen were quarreling.  Abram offers Lot the choice of land to keep peace.  In Lot’s choosing though I was reminded by his choice that things are not always what they seem to be.  Lot chose the Jordan Plain.  Why?  Because it was well watered and he felt it was the better decision.  However, the area he chose to dwell in was filled with wicked inhabitants.  Lot was deceived by outward appearances.

In Psalm 15, we hear from Sacred Scripture that “He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord”.  Then we have several verses revealing what Justice is in the biblical sense.  The verse that I really resonated with is the one where we hear, “He who thinks the Truth in his heart and slanders not with his tongue.”

Then in the Gospel according to Matthew 7: 6, 12-14, we have laid before us a great visual of what happens when we are not attuned to this tension between Truth and Deception.  We hear “Enter through the Narrow Gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction and those who enter through it are many.  How Narrow the Gate and Constricted the Road that Leads to Life.  And those who find it are few.”

I believe that St. Ignatius was referring to the Narrow Gate and Constricted Road that Leads to Life when he states in the First Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises that our only desire and our one choice should be this:  I want and I choose what better leads to God’s deepening life in me.

Therein lies the tension I mentioned when I began….Truth vs. Deception particularly in the secular world we live in today.

How often have you heard the word “Truth“?  Have you ever wondered what does that word “Truth” really mean?  Have you ever wondered how do we know “Truth” from Deception in the world we live in?

Deciphering “Truth” from Deception is part of our Baptismal Call as faithful Christians.  As I sat with the Lord and pondered what He might be trying to reveal to me about this matter,  another  scripture verse came to mind: John 18: 37, specifically the following words where Jesus responds to Pilate in dialogue:

There is so much loaded into that one verse.  It is Jesus that is the “Truth“!   So seeking the Truth is all about relationship with Jesus and becoming a person of virtue just like Jesus.

It is all about Jesus

How do we do that?

The answers may not be packaged as a Board Game with instructions, but we are given instruction in Sacred Scripture.  We hear in John 14: 6, Jesus telling his disciples, “I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you know me, then you will also know my Father“.

jesus 2

How do you know Jesus?

By spending time with Him and allowing Scripture to come to Life.  Allow Him to reveal his virtues to you in the depths of your soul so that you can beg him to conform your heart to His.   We have to Allow Him to gently show us where our value system is not in line with His so that we can repent and make better choices to be more like Him.

luke 8 19-21

  • How well do you know Jesus?  Not what do you know about Him? There is a big difference between Knowing about someone and Knowing Them.
  • How might you nurture your relationship with Him?
  • Have you been graced with insights on how you might listen to His voice amidst the noise of Deception in the secular world?   What graces have you received that helps you to stay rooted in Jesus that might help someone else do the same?
  • Like Lot in the story from Genesis, what are ways you have been deceived by outward appearances?
  • How do you stay focused on deciphering the “Truth” from all the Deception of commercialism, consumerism and busyness in the world we live in?

Let’s help one another by sharing what we are doing to stay focused on Jesus…..

Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”


What Happens as a Result of Persistence In Prayer?

An interesting thing happened yesterday in my prayer as I went to Eucharistic Adoration!   As you all probably know, yesterday’s gospel reading in the Roman Catholic Tradition came from the gospel according to Luke 18: 1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow.  I was excited to be able to spend some designated time in the Presence of the Lord with that passage.

I always chuckle when praying with that passage because at times in my own prayer life,  in hindsight, I imagine how God probably with His Head in His Hands may have done the same thing as I imagine the judge doing with the persistent widow.    The lesson for me is that although I may not see it at the time, some of my greatest gifts have been unanswered prayers because God was changing me in the midst of my struggles.

In the Spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola,  I’ll share my imaginative prayer experience that occurred while in adoration……….

What happened during my almost 2 hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament was very revealing about prayer in general!  This parable has always been one of my favorites when it comes to Jesus’ teaching on how to pray.  He tells us about the necessity to pray always without becoming weary even when we sometimes feel like our prayers are not being heard or being answered as we would want them to be.

So I thought I was ready to just place myself in the scene using Ignatian Contemplation and see where the Lord would lead me.  What I found was that I resisted the solitude and became very fidgety.  I would beg to be in His Presence and then before I knew it my mind would wander.  I would bring myself back to being the persistent widow petitioning for my needs and then I would very easily wander off.  This went on for a while and then I began to have physiological responses.  My head began to pound distracting me from prayer and my stomach became upset to the point where I had to leave the chapel and find a restroom.  However, I was determined to persevere and be faithful to my committed time with the Lord so I returned to the chapel.

When I returned, recognizing that this resistance was coming from the Unholy Spirit, I began a simple mantra that I use often, “Dear Lord, I just want to sit at your feet.  I love you and adore you.”   This mantra took me to praying to be in solidarity with the Woman in Luke 7: 36-50 The Pardon of the Sinful Woman.   I then began to have a conversation with the Lord about the difficulty I was experiencing in coming to the interior stillness I so desired.   In a very gentle way, I don’t know how long it took, as only God can do, I was given the gift of interior stillness and I truly felt I was there kissing his feet and adoring Him for all of the wonderful gifts in my life and somehow all of my concerns about the future and my sinful tendencies did not matter.

The headache had left, the stomach pains were gone, I was at peace sitting at the feet of Jesus and I was invited to stay with Him when I began to hear the beautiful Taize’ chant based on the beautiful words from Mark 14: 32-42 The Agony in the Garden .   At times, I was so at peace, I caught myself dozing off in the interior stillness.  I then meditated on how the disciples were invited to Stay with Him, Remain with Him and Keep Watch, and how they too also fell asleep.

Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray, watch and pray.

1. Stay here and keep watch with me. Watch and pray, watch and pray!
2. Watch and pray not to give way to temptation.
3. The spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak.
4. My heart is nearly broken with sorrow. Remain here with me, stay awake and pray.
5. Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by.
6. Father, if this cannot pass me by without my drinking it, your will be done.

The result of my persistence in prayer was that in the end, I left my prayer period totally rejuvenated, changed and filled with peace.  I truly felt empowered by the last verse of the Pardon of the Sinful Woman passage, verse 50, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.”

Accept the invitation to Stay with Him, Remain with Him, Watch and Pray and experience the gift God has waiting for you………….would love to hear about your prayer experiences…………………


Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”