The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God


Befriending Those Who Go Before Us!

st. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine of Siena

I am thrilled to announce that I completed my final paper for my graduate studies and actually submitted it yesterday.    Several key insights I have derived from my graduate program is a deepened sense of the importance of the communion of saints, our call to community, and the role that we all have in promoting the common good.

One of the many ways that I was inspired was from studying about the lives of those who preceded us in Church History.  I began to recognize what happens when we study the lives of the saints.  As I studied their lives, I shared in their real experiences.  I guess you could say that I befriended each of them.  As Dr. Wendy Wright posits in one of her podcasts on Catholic Comments which is a wonderful resource sponsored by Creighton University, I became friends with my communion of saints both those dead and those that are still with me and I shared in their intimacy with God enhancing my own prayer life.[1]  I thought I would share reflections over the next few weeks about several of the saints that have significantly touched my soul.

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I was consoled by the significant influence Catherine of Siena, a young lay Dominican woman, had in her attempts to impact social and political justice.[2]  Catherine of Siena was able to have so much influence as a lay young woman.  Although some believe she was given more credit than she is due for her influence in the great political crises of her day, she almost certainly was the final pressure that caused Pope Gregory’s move of the papacy back to Rome from Avignon in 1376.[3]  Some authors suggest that her more significantly positive contribution to social and political justice lies in her attempts to influence individuals whose primary responsibilities were political and social.[4]  I was amazed at the number of her letters that survived that were addressed to political figures.   What really amazed me is that those of power and authority listened to her as a young lay woman in an era when women were not expected to speak out.  This is truly an indication that all things are possible with GodCatherine of Siena was known for continually turning to the themes of Dominican Spirituality–preaching, community life, prayer, and study; poverty of spirit; the primacy of the Truth; and contemplation expressed in active ministry.[5]  As many point out, at the heart of her thinking about justice is God’s truth.  I really resonated with the beautiful words one author used to portray her as follows, “Cry out as if you had a million voices, she urges.  It is silence which kills the world.  Proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear.”[6]  I found much peace, consolation and confirmation from befriending St. Catherine of Siena.  She helped me to see that I am on the right path in my discernment to preach the Truth through retreat ministry.  Being a 6 on the Enneagram and often times being paralyzed by fear about how I will survive financially, I continue to be affirmed in this ministry and found much consolation in her words not to be silent through fear but to look for ways to earn income that will allow me to continue to preach retreats.  In addition, as a lay woman who keeps being invited to consider a religious vocation,  I am convinced that God wants me to make a difference as a lay woman and Catherine of Siena gives me hope about such.  I believe that if I am faithful to prayer, study, poverty of spirit, the Truth, and contemplation expressed in active ministry just as Catherine was that God will use me too.

Questions to Ponder:

  • How might befriending St. Catherine of Siena help you in your journey?
  • Is there any Truth that you may be being silenced about in fear?
  • How might your commitment to prayer, study, poverty of spirit, the Truth and contemplation expressed in active ministry empower you?

As always, I love being in dialogue with you in the comments section.  Please let me hear from you.

[1] Catholic Comments, The Communion of Saints,  (accessed August 1, 2013).

[2] Richard Woods, OP, Mysticism and Prophecy:  The Dominican Tradition (London, England:  Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., 1998), 104-105.

[3] Richard Woods, OP, Mysticism and Prophecy:  The Dominican Tradition (London, England:  Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., 1998), 104.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid., 105.

[6] Ibid., 106.

Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”


Inspiration by the Holy Spirit Works Miracles

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 God Will Do Amazing Things When We Strive to Live In Step with the Holy Spirit and Live Out His Most Holy Will!

One year ago today, I launched this website after much prayer and discernment.

For several years, retreatants had been asking me if I had a website at the end of retreats.  I would squirm and admit that I did not.  The Lord used many others to help me see His path clearly, but particularly one retreatant in early 2012 at Ignatius House in Atlanta jolted me into serious discernment.

Our Dialogue:

Male Retreatant:  “Do you have a website that we could follow to get regular spiritual reflections, follow what books you might suggest, look for where and when you will be directing future retreats, and find other Ignatian Spirituality resources?”

Me:  “No, I have considered a website and have been asked by many others this same question, but I really don’t have the skills to develop a website.”

Male Retreatant:  “I will do it for you. You really need to keep this going for us.”

Me:  “Oh, how generous, but I could never allow you to do that for me.  That is a lot of hard work.  I will continue to pray about your request and see where the Lord leads me.”

I continued to pray about the many requests and pay attention to the Holy Spirit active around me and within me.  At the beginning of Summer 2012, I was on staff at Montserrat in Dallas teaching others how to lead preached retreats and one of the participants and I began sharing about a book she was in the process of publishing.  I was really excited for her and also really interested because several professors had recently suggested I publish some of my papers.  One thing led to another and we began discussing publishing in general and how she had a website.  She shared with me how she had used WordPress and she was very encouraging about how I, too, should pursue the tutorial and launch my own site.  What a gift she was from God!

My Path of Discernment was not Unique

It included many periods along the way and took several years.  I used one of the many gifts of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, steps to good discernment from the Rules of Discernment to help me:

  • Praying for guidance and clarity
  • Gathering data and facts and making a lists of pros and cons
  • Praying for empowerment and light to see God’s will
  • Getting really excited and Being discouraged
  • Praying to know His will and purity of heart about motives
  • Feeling empowered and Experiencing doubt
  • Praying for Knowledge and Spiritual Freedom(Holy Indifference) needed to accept whatever God really wanted
  • Visualizing what the website would look like and Paying Attention to Interior Movements
  • Praying for Obstacles to be Removed and looking for Feelings of Consolation about Choices
  • Making a Decision to proceed with website
  • Praying for those who helped me along the way and looking for God in all Things
  • Getting scared about not doing it right
  • Praying to dismiss the Unholy Spirit that often comes in Discouragement, Fear and Doubt
  • Taking steps to Design the site
  • Praying with Requests from Previous Retreatants and for the Lord to use me to Deliver what was requested
  • Launching the Site
  • Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Guidance I received, both Divinely and Earthly
  • Being Affirmed in my Decision to Launch the Site by the many emails and comments
  • Continued Prayers for Humility to always stay rooted in Jesus Christ and what He wants me to share on an ongoing basis

I am humbled and stand in awe each time I receive a message or comment from someone about how my sharing has helped them.  Did I ever think I could launch this site and keep it current?  No…but With God All Things are Possible!

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I am also amazed with the far-reaching implications of the internet.  Through the internet I have been able to touch lives I may never be able to visit in person.  Did I ever think I could reach people all over the world?  No….but With God All Things are Possible!

In one year, I have had approximately 8000 views on this site and have reached my brothers and sisters in 80+ countries all over the world.  Only God could do this!

Questions to Ponder:

  • Is there something in your own life that you may be thinking you don’t have the skills to do?
  • What does the Lord say about your situation?
  • Have you taken it to prayer?
  • Are you ready to seriously discern what God wants?

I hope and pray that my discernment process shared above helps you in some way.  I am truly humbled and grateful for the privilege I’ve been given to enter into your sacred space.  Thank you for a year of journeying together and I look forward to many more.  God Bless!

Feel Free to “cut and paste” any of these texts for Prayer or Worship Aids and simply add this reference:

“Taken from the The Hopeless Romantic: Falling in Love with God site of Patti Clement. Used with Permission.”